Producing your Hymn Book

The process begins with a face to face meeting, phone call or computer meeting to discuss your requirements, including the number of books you might require.

We would then give you an initial idea of cost. If you wished to take it further, we would decide together on the major elements and we would give you a fixed binding quote.

Following this, we would send you a copy of our extensive database of hymns. It would then be over to yourselves to decide on the list of hymns to be included together with the names of the relevant tunes, number of verses, their order and whether full music, melody or just words only.

At this stage our director of music, would liaise with you and cross reference your list of hymns with our extensive database and identify any of your choice not on it. There are many different versions of words, melodies and tunes.  We offer a transcribing service on any new hymns not in our database, bespoke edits to hymn arrangement, transposition, changing current key and re-transcribing any hymn and can offer advice on design and edits to musical typesetting and also constantly liaise throughout. We  would require you to direct us to music online or provide copies of sheet music.  

Meanwhile we would be liaising with you over various decisions to be made over cover stock and colour, cover embossing, paper stock, quantities, design elements like fonts, inclusion of composer, section breaks, consistency, caps or lower case, indices and additional pages for prayers and notes.

